

Acne Vulgaris (more commonly known as acne) is a common skin condition of adolescence. During this time, hormones often causes the skin to produce excess sebum, combined with irritation of hair follicles and bacteria on the surface of the skin leading to the outbreak of acne. Hormonal changes can also occur in older women and produce acne after age 30. For these patients and for women whose acne especially flares right before menses, an acne treatment regimen will be tailored to treat this issue.

Acne can be found most common on the face, chest, and back and manifest itself in the form of blackheads (known as comedones), pimples, papules, and in extreme cases, nodules. Blemishes and scarring can also be present. Smoking, menstruation, and the application of pore-clogging products can also cause outbreaks, which could be sometimes severe.

A long-term topical and/or systemic individual acne treatment over weeks or months is recommended. Acne treatments can be tailored to your skin type, compliance, and cost. It's important to avoid any manipulation of these lesions to reduce the risk of scars. Any application of pore-clogging makeup or creams and using loofahs or scrubs should be avoided as they will worsen the condition. Oil-Free, made-for-face sunscreen of at least 30 or greater SPF in the morning, on top of your oil-free makeup or morning regimen to all sun exposed areas, and re-apply every 2 hours if outside for long periods of time is strongly recommended because a lot of the acne medications make sun exposed skin extra sun sensitive. Regarding the scarring, a treatment with laser by a specialist may be helpful.

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Before and after treatment for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation/acne
*Photo used with patient's permission